Ball Detection ENG (wip)

Smart Football Table - Detection



1) Detect the ball

  • with shape search (OpenCV)
  • with machine learning (OpenCV+YOLO)

2) Use ball positions to calculate different things

  • goal detection
  • ball velocity
  • trace

Detection in detail

We are using OpenCV to detect the ball on gamefield. At the moment, there exist two solutions:

  • single OpenCV ball detection, with image preprocessing and shape search:
    • get input image (file or webcam)
    • convert to hsv color range
    • mask image to color range
    • erode and dilate the picture
    • find contours
  • YOLO ball detection:
    • get input image (file or webcam)
    • find objects based on training data, which is the ball in this case
    • for more, see README in yolo3 folder

Arguments for python scripts

Argument Description Sample Input default
-v path to an (optional) video file, overwrites camera “-v path/to/video.avi” empty
-b length of lightning trace 64 200
-i index of camera 0 0
-c color values (hsvmin,hsvmax) for object you want to detect (unneccessary for yolo) 20,100,100,30,255,255 0,0,0,0,0,0
-r recording output into given file name “fileName” empty