Architecture ENG (wip)

(work in progress) The system behind SFT became large really fast. Rethinking the architecture happens way more often than thought. This post explains the actual solution.



The modules combined in SFT are the following:

  • Ball Detection (Camera + OpenCV, written in Python)
  • Analysis (written in Java)
  • Messaging (solved with MQTT)
  • An UI for the results (Angular)
  • A controller for the sound device (solved with bash)
  • LED-Module (Java and Microcontroller)

With exception of the ball detection and analysis (following soon), each module is packed inside a Docker container. Not only does this avoid to install every neccessary technology on your own system, but with an docker-compose file starting the application is faster than doing it manually. Combining the modules in one git repository with git-submodule improves the usability of installation.